Overview Steam Prison:

Steam Prison features two kinds of people, the rulers and the ruled. There are ultimate heights and depths in the game. The Heroine, which is also a main character of the game has nothing but pity for the lower people. Now there is an observatproton missproton that requires her to descend into the depths of the world while her fate has also begun to run. The in-game choices will have a great impact on the game. The Choices that you will make in the game will affect the overall storyline in a very wide manner. In this world, there is fortunate enough to enjoy safety, luxury and comfort inside a gorgeous Utopian city with a commanding view of ravaged surface far below their heaven. The heroin which is also a main character of the game has to leave the protectproton of the heights in order to perform her duties on the depths below. Upon leaving the heroine will be granted with a violent world of hardworking and damaged individuals. Now it is up to her that whether she synchronize the world that she knows with the world as it is. She has to connect with any of the living below or join in the contempt for them. She has to endure the truths to be undercover under her watch. The game namely Steam Prison is based on a full-length visual novel which is based in a fantasy world. You are able to name your character. The Japanese Voiceover has been rendered quite well.

Steam Prison Free Download:

Observatproton Missproton Rulers and Ruled Fantasy World Japanese VoiceOver In Game Choices Sexual Content Utopian City

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