About Titan Clash Online:

Coming at this as someone who didn’t play the first one and only has cursory knowledge of the franchise (watching streamers play Apex), so if you’re in the same boat, you’ll know what to expect. I suppose I’d have to describe Titanfall 2 as “Transformers meets Halo meets Battletech meets Mirror’s Edge”. Good lord, that’s an annoying way to describe it, so I’ll expound. The gameplay here first and foremost a first-person shooter. You pick up guns and you shoot dudes (and robots) with them. Secondarily, its a lightweight mech-piloting simulator, like a simplified version of the old Mechwarrior games. Lastly, it’s a game with some pretty wild movement mechanics and platforming sequences that have no right to be as smooth and fun as they are.  The story is somewhere between Halo and Transformers. The mech you get to pilot, BT, has an intelligent AI of his own, and he’s essentially the game’s main character, even though he’s not the player’s character. BT is not a deep character, but he has enough personality to get you invested. The player character himself is a faceless human grunt literally named “Jack”, but it helps that he’s voiced by Matt Mercer, who gives him more life than the writing has earned. When the game is a platformer, it’s somehow engaging even though it provides very little difficulty. These sequences are clearly designed more to mix things up and break up the pacing than they are to seriously challenge the player’s movement skills or environmental problem-solving.

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